Proje kapsamında 2018 yılı istatistiklerine göre en fazla mülteci öğrenci barındıran ilçemiz okulları ile oluşturulan 10 konsorsiyum üyesi okuldan ( Tepe İlkokulu, Mahmut Şevket Zırh İlkokulu, Mehmet Yaren Gümeli İlkokulu, Toki Osmangazi İlkokulu, Ahmet Kabaklı İlkokulu, Nurettin Topcu İlkokulu, Akşemsettin İmam Hatip Ortaokulu, Emin Saraç İmam Hatip Ortaokulu, Celalettin Ökten Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi, Akif İnan Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi ) toplam 30 öğretmenimiz İtalya/Roma, Almanya/Berlin, Finlandiya/Helsinki'ye giderek bir haftalık Mülteci Öğrencilerin Eğitim Sistemimize Entegre Edilmesi üzerine eğitimlere katılmaktadır.
When the effects of the project are monitored it is seen that the main objectives are to improve the professional, pedagogic, communication and language abilities of the refugees so that their integration can be achieved and also to have more facultative activities devoted to refugee children through fitting for the purpose, effective, modern methods and techniques. In this context, if the project is successful then knowledge and abilities for refugee education based on European standards will be provided.
When our project is evaluated through a refugee children/student perspective it is seen that improvement of the accessibility for the sake of preventing a lost generation can lead refugee children to become fonder of the school they are enrolled in, their friends, the country in which they live, hence, they may become more informed people. Thus, our project will ensure attendance and sustainability of the courses, improvement of the student-teacher relationship, increase in the social and cultural activities so that abovementioned students will have a better moral and motivation so that school will become an attraction point for them.